
By sports we understand all kinds of individual or organised activities for person's physical and mental health and fitness, as well as achievements in sports competitions. The goal of the Latvian national sports policy is the formation of healthy, physically and mentally highly developed personalities. The general legal basis of sports organisation and development in Latvia is determined by the Sports Law. The Ministry of Education and Science is the state administration institution responsible for the area of sports.

Areas of activities:

Children and youth sports - create opportunities for youth to engage in sports, by providing for mandatory children and youth physical education at all educational institutions and development of higher mastery of young athletes by engaging in professional sports training programmes at sports schools, sports clubs, sports gymnasiums and other sports organisations.

Sports for everybody - create opportunities for each individual to engage in sports, regardless of their age, gender, ethnicity, race, religion, mental or physical disabilities, by providing the necessary economic and social conditions.

High achievement sports - support preparation of talented athletes and national teams (sports games) and their participation at the Olympic Games, as well as world and European championships (finals).

Sports for people with disabilities - create opportunities for people with disabilities to engage in adjusted sports activities according to their wishes and capabilities.

Contacts and Information Sources:

Ministry of Education and Science, Phone: +371

Sports Department, Phone: +371 67047935

Association “Latvian Olympic Committee”, Phone: +371 67282461, +371