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New professional opportunities have opened for citizens, that Latvia has become an Associate Member state of the European Space Agency (ESA). As part of the "Deep Tech Atelier" Technology Conference, the ESA Career Day was held in Latvia for the first time. This event gathered representatives of international organizations and local individuals interested in connecting their professional activities with the space industry in the future. 

Every year, approximately 200-250 participants are admitted to various permanent and student programs of ESA. During the Career Day, ESA employes provided insight into diverse internship opportunities, ranging from the master's level studies to commencing careers in the space industry. For young professionals, not only technical knowledge and competences are vital, but also social or so-called soft skills. Vacancies are open for engineers and scientists, as well as marketing specialists, lawyers, administrative staff, and other young professionals. 

ESA comprises a multinational team of talented scientists, engineers, and business professionals characterized by an innovative spirit. Experienced inspiration and challenges were shared by Andrew Kane, ESA Student Program Coordinator and, Emīls Senkāns, ESA Young Graduate Trainee from Latvia, and Gertrud Talvik, ESA engineer from Estonia. ESA representatives encouraged Latvian students to apply for vacancies, emphasizing that the space industry is one of the most innovative and technologically advanced fields, and working in this field offers the opportunity to have a positive impact on society and the Earth as a whole. E. Kane pointed out that for Latvian students and professionals how to be more competitive when applying for ESA vacancies and student programs especially Latvian universities need to create an educational offer tailored to the space industry. By sharing his personal experience, E. Senkāns highlighted the importance of perseverance and not giving up on one's goal after initial setbacks.  

A career and internship at the space agency also provide Latvian citizens with extensive learning and professional development opportunities in a multicultural environment, competitive and attractive remuneration, as well as various social, sports and cultural programs. 

ESA was founded in 1975 and currently encompasses 22 member states with about 2,400 independent employees in engineering and technology, business, and administration. ESA stands as a global leader in space exploration, scientific endeavors, and technological development, pooling the resources from multiple nations and contributing to European citizens and industry for peaceful purposes only. ESA has made significant strides in science and industry development, covering all aspects of space operations, from planning to practical application and establishment of new ventures, as well as actively promoting industrial growth. Latvia has been an Associate Member of ESA since 2020. 

The Career Day was organized by the Ministry of Education and Science in collaboration with the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia and ESA. The event recording can be viewed in English on the "researchLatvia" YouTube channel


The event aimed to provide insights into the ESA's activities, collaboration opportunities, and application processes for various programs. Representatives from the ESA highlighted the benefits of participating in space projects and how Latvian companies and institutions can get involved.